Thursday, December 30, 2010


…..but not with that fork. Sorry, that was my epic thought of the day, yea, that’s how existing my life is. The 2ed most epic thought will probably involve getting dishes done, but anyway.

I thought I should post on here more often, so here I go. This will probably be all kindsa random. is probably the coolest site ever, and it makes me want to read…which is weird, but cool. It was this article that made me wanna read, I wanted to see how sarcastic the prince was, and given what happened to him before he wrote it, it’s definitely chalked full of sarcasm.
in the words of ether S Peter Davis or David A. Vindiola “Machiavelli was the Stephen Colbert of the Renaissance” who I also think is a genus, I love his whole sarcastic tone, ‘how dare Obama try to fix our country and not do it in less time than it took to screw it up!”…okay, that was a me quote though…

I love the sarcasm of cracked; it’s good to know there’s a lot more people with a dark and or dry sense of humor like my own. It means they may watch my movies! HURRAY! If I ever get any published…one can only dream, me and the other 10,000+ people wanting to become screenwriters, directors, or both. (I don’t know the exact number that was just a guess. it’s probably bigger than that.) BUT I WILL DREAM ANYWAY!

I’m ganna head out, gota shower and be lazy and stuff, do the dishes at some point, maybe clean the kitchen.

I finally found a spoon and put sugar in my tea,

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The things I hate about Christmas

So, thanksgiving hasn’t even come and went yet, and I’m hearing Christmas songs. Luckily, not on the radio, but everyone’s singing them.

Now thanksgiving is over, it has begun. People trampling people, pulling hair, going into full out wars, you know what I’m talking about, black Friday. It’s ridiculous, the day after thanksgiving and we’re already ready for Christmas? The funniest thing of all is “this season” is all about peace on earth and good will towards men. Then the stores order only 5 of one item, mark it down extremely low, and then watch people dive on it like ravenous wolves, doing ANYTHING to get it, and you know the people who don’t have to deal with the madness first hand are sitting there in the back, away from all the crazy people, laughing. It’s a wee bit ironic.

Now the Christmas music and commercials are everywhere. Every other song, every other commercial has something to do with Christmas. My little mind can only take so much, all I want is a laptop, but all I’m seeing is car commercials and the latest toy. And all the way my brother and every other person around me under 11 are going “I want that! And that! That too!” I guess until you’re 12, you don’t understand that parents are not made out of money, and that in this economy, mos t people can barley pay their bills. It drives me nuts, sometimes I just want to yell the truths of money and life at them, but I realize that I was that age once, and I did the same thing. Plus a person still living at home, doesn’t get to yell about the truths of money and life….or life at least, in my case money ether.

So you might have spent Christmas eve with one side of the family, or stayed home and opened one present possible, which just builds up all the excitement for the next day.

Now it’s Christmas! Hurray! It’s finally here, you open up you’re presents from “Santa” (my parents still put “from Santa on some presents because I have a little brother, I think they just put stuff in our older kids stockings and put that the rest are from them…I can’t remember, I hope no one under 11 is reading this….or I’ve probably crushed their hopes and dreams.) And then the rest at your house. Then you ether host dinner or go to a relives house for dinner, and more presents! Awesome! You eat dinner with the family and such, spend a few hours their and go home.

And it’s over. All the presents are opened, all the food is eaten. Now it’s as if Christmas never happened. You just have a bunch of extra stuff, half of which anyone under 11 probably won’t use after playing with it for six months. Everything’s back to normal. After practically two months of the shows, commercials, the music, it’s gone. ALL GONE! It makes me sort of depressed, which is also ironic (ya know, Christmas has a lot of irony.)

What sucks most of all is those who don’t celebrate Christmas, I’m sure it’s a pretty depressing time for those who don’t, they can’t do anything or go anywhere without bright red and green and pretty paper and ribbon rubbing all over in their face reminding them “hey! You don’t get to enjoy any of this!”

Another thing I hate about Christmas, the irony and misunderstanding. What I mean by this is those Christians (not ALL Christians just those who do this) that spend all their time, going off about how Paganism is evil and dark and terrible and the same as Satanism. Okay, for one, they’re WAAAAAAY different but I’ll rant about that later. Two if you hate paganism so much and think it’s so evil, don’t celebrate Christmas, yea, I said it.

They celebrated “Christmas” before the whole Christ part was even thought of. It was called Yule (heard that word?) it was basically a holiday celebrating the sun god being born. It was done on the shortest day of the year. They would burn what they called a Yule log, to represent the sun.

And the reason people kiss under mistletoe is because it was a fertility ritual (if you didn’t know the pagan’s a religion based on fertility) and holly berries were thought to be the fruit of the gods.

And you know the tree you decorate, also pagan, they would bring an evergreen tree into their homes to remind them that soon their crops would grow again.

The 25th of December was actually when the Babylonians would have the fest of the son of Isis, who is the goddess of nature. They would eat too much, drink too much, and give gifts, long before Christ.

It wasn’t until 350, when a pope decided to celebrate the birth of Christ on the 25th of December. Most people are pretty sure this is to help the pagan in Europe, which the Romans had taken over, convert to Christianity. Knowing that they wouldn’t lose their fest and such. So there!

Anyway, I just needed to rant, I’ve been saying these things since November, I needed to write them down.

Happy winter solstices / Merry Christmas,